Thematic Areas
Climate Change and Environment
Nepal is highly vulnerable to climate change and has already experiencing impacts of it including reduction in agricultural production, food insecurity, declining water supplies, drought and insect outbreaks, glacial melt, loss of forests and biodiversity as well as damaged infrastructure due to heavy rain, flooding and erosion. There is less climate change adaptation in practice and because of climate change issues youth are migrating to cities and foreign countries from villages, women’s health is affected because of heavy workloads resulted by climate change. Due to climate change local community also suffers from loss of livelihood and crop failure.
Key interventions:
- Capacity building for rural community climate change adaptation for agriculture and livelihood;
- Promote water saving technology for irrigation;
- Promote agroforestry for preventing soil erosion;
- Promote usage of organic pesticides;
- Campaign for fruits and wood tree plantation;
- Preserve natural water resources;
- Capacity building for ground water recharge and construct tank for rain water harvesting;
- Promote alternative crop system;
- Distribute materials for plastic ponds;
- Promote micro-credit and loans to help farmers cultivate drought or flood-resistant species and promote crop diversification.
- Establish community environment conservation and climate crisis committee;
- Carry out research for understanding community adaptation needs, developing adaptation strategies and opportunities for mitigation.